Friday, January 18, 2013

A few sketches I've done in the last few days...

 Back from residency seminar. 10 straight days of critiques and theory.  I have a a lot of good ideas as to the direction my work should go, and am excited to get those ideas down on canvas. All that cogitatin' really gives me a desire to get back in the studio and get some painting done. I'm still processing much of what I was told re: my work and what we discussed in class. A summary of my time at the residency should be forthcoming.

In the meantime, I figured it would be best to start throwing some paint around- one of the overarching themes in the critiques of my work was that I should explore a more varied/emotionally resonant mark. So for these first few, I just let 'er rip. I will be starting a larger, more cohesive painting within the week, but I felt that jumping right in to smaller (18x24) paintings would lower the stakes and get the ball rolling...

Obviously, they are all in the very beginning stages, though I plan to let more of the underpainting (and possibly raw canvas) show through til the end- giving the viewer more of a window into the process- this is especially important in the narrative/allegorical works (one of which I will be starting within the week). As I thought more about my allegorical paintings, how they start as non-objective compositions, and then gradually take on narrative elements and, by extension, a larger meaning- having both areas of focus and areas of underdeveloped canvas could add an interesting wrinkle. People are wired to seek meaning in symbols and patterns. I am attempting to ensure that these narrative works mirror that search in both theme and execution.

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