Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Landscape Painting Plein Aire

  Did a little landscape painting with my brother Matt on Scarborough marsh. Whooda thunk there'd be so many biting flies on a marsh? (and so clever, too.) We were on the side of rt. 9 and I'm sure I looked a little strange to the passing cars- "Mommy, why is that man twitching and flailing on the side of the road?" "DON'T LOOK AT HIM!"
  I didn't get much further than what you see in the photo. My plan is to bring it back to the studio and finish it there. I could schlep it out again, but I've been playing around with the idea of schemas (and looking at a lot of Charles Burchfield, as was recommended to me by many people at AIB). I think that being out in the field initially will give it the sense of place that only being there can provide, but working on it in the studio will free me up to take it in new directions.

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