Tuesday, September 25, 2012

New painting...

So, I've returned to observational work (I still have 5 or so paintings going at the moment, but most are not from observation). I find it incredibly refreshing to work again from life. Decisions based in direct observation have a subtlety that is perhaps lacking in my other work. It's not done yet (obviously) but I am hoping to have it finished within the week- it's probably at about 85% right now. The color in the photo is a little wonky- it seems like digital cameras have trouble with the purple/yellow combination.
  I have a tendency to over emphasize the features; sometimes I correct for that, but this time I let it go. I think it looks more interesting that way...

Monday, September 10, 2012


This one is almost finished. I like how the landscape is dissolving, and I think that could be pushed further. The lower right needs a bit more attention, but I think it's in a good spot. I'm trying for a Redonesque sky, but I might have to ditch it in favor of overall unity. This painting seems stuck between two possibilities- flat space and landscapey depth, and those two opposing forces need to be rectified if this painting is to be a success.
  Still, it's got potential...

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Another one I've been working on.

Here's another that I've been working on. At some point, I really need to finish these. However, I find that I get FAR more work done when I have a number of paintings in process.
  I was experimenting with making a purely non-objective painting and trying to keep it as flat as possible. Usually, my compositions start out this way and inevitably evolve into landscapes. In my critiques, it was mentioned that I was "seduced by form and space". I don't really see it that way, but I figured it'd be an avenue to explore.
   I'm torn between focusing on one theme/avenue of expression and trying out everything. Trying to figure out the ONE are that interests me the most has a paralytic effect on me. I think that as I crank out more and  more work, that one direction will make itself apparent.